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Help. Error 55:10 and 79:04

#1 Tangerine 6 years ago

Hi I'm not able to print or access the front panel menu on my latex 330 printer I've updated the FW with USB and disconnected and restarted the printer. It immediately displays error 55:10 followed by 79:04. No way to print. How can I fix This?

#2 paulelw 5 years ago

#1 Hello. The first error involves the Line Sensor. It could be disconnected or malfunctioning. You will need a Service Technician to check and/or replace. The second error is more problematic. It is a Firmware error meaning the firmware that was installed was corrupt in some way (write error or a faulty thumb drive). Turn off the printer and disconnect the cables and allow at least 15 minutes for the printer to fully discharge. Install the latest and correct firmware to a USB Stick or have file ready to install via a web browser using the web interface(Printer IP Address). If the printer allows, you will then need to reinstall the firmware. Follow instructions exactly. This can be done by end-user but if any issues arise you will need a Service Technician to do this for you.

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