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Help! Flexi issue

#1 tracylf069735 3 years ago

I recently purchased the 365 latex printer and was told to use flexi. The designs I create in flexi all come out pixelated. I have jobs stacking up and think I should use a different program. Does adobe illustrator work with the printer? Will I be able to send the work to the printer? Any help is appreciated.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @tracylf069735, You should use a RIP to send jobs to the printer: SAI Flexi, ONYX, or Caldera. Adobe Illustrator is not a RIP, it is a graphic editor only useful to prepare the files just before sending through the RIP. If you are facing pixelated images when using Flexi, I suggest consulting the User Guide, as I believe you are not printing at 300dpi.

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