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Help! Hp latex 64 cutter not cutting on contour lines.

#1 Brett2985 5 years ago

a couple of weeks ago my cutter no longer cuts on contour lines. everything is like a 1/4" off. updated firmware and checked blade length everything looks good. also ran opus test and the machine cut that out perfectly. just when I do my own graphics with the bar code it's off, attached is an example.

#2 HP-ColorGuy 5 years ago

Make sure that all software and firmware elements are up to date: HP Flexi Print & Cut 12 is build number 2898 Cutter firmware is md9985_034 Printer firmware (3x5 Series) is NEXUS_03_14_00.8

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#3 robin6218 5 years ago

I´ve got the exact same problem. I have had it several times and after some days it working again and then it all starts over again... So have you found any solution for this problem?

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#4 paulelw 5 years ago

#1 Calibrate OPOS Sensor (Using black adhesive vinyl on a roll). Check that OPOS has not become loose and moving when engaging the media. Check that pinch wheels and main rollers are not dirty or covered in anything that may hinder it's movement. Check that cutting strip is not damaged especially after a lot of Perforation cutting. Check file and corresponding layout of barcode. Use alternate files to test. All these can be remedied by end-user except of r a wobbly/moving OPOS which will need to be replaced by a Technician.

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#5 rcabrera6453 5 years ago

Hi, i have the same problem, like a month ago my cutter no longer cuts on contour lines. I already update the firmware, calibrate OPOS sensor, the pinch wheels and main rollers are not dirty, the file is OK, checked blade length and everything looks good but it still having the same problem... Please Help and thank you... See attached photo.

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#6 rcabrera6453 5 years ago

#8 Hi Sonia, no parts are loose, and the media is ok, there's no slipping. And yes i'm using the correct HP media and profile, it still have the problem. Nothing chance.

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#7 senordcal 5 years ago

Have had nothing but problems with the Latex315 cutter, it deviates after about 2 rows of printing and gets progressively worse. Had the Printer and cutter since last year, less than a month all prints weren't getting cut properly, followed all instructions and my supplier came and spent almost a month printing and cutting, using Onyx to see if it would fix it and nothing. Changing speeds, using panelling etc. Then finally HP got a tech to see the machine setup at my suppliers warehouse, he said the cutting module wasn't aligned properly and used a floppy disk to straighten it and retightened it. I was finally offered to swap to a Roland printer and cutter, but decided to stick with HP seeing as latex is more durable. Have had the machine since late january, and recently it started occuring again. I hate the cutter, it is absolutely crap, and is not reliable to use. I can't do a print run without losing a third of the prints due to poor contour cutting alignment. Was hoping this thread would have a solution as well, and I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one who has this happen to them, it seems HP's reliability on Summa Cutters to work as intended is blinded. I regret not swapping to Roland.

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#8 matic6942 5 years ago

#1 Did you fix the problem? I have the same problem and it's brand new.

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#9 Digicrea 5 years ago

I have the exactly same problem, the HP cutter is not reliable, I've seen with my dealer in NZ and they did everything they could, but it's still not accurate, this cutter is a real mess.

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#10 Dtgraphics 5 years ago

#15 Hello Sonia am Having the same issue were the Countour Cutting is Off by like 3/4 we have done all calibrations and also check all the stuff and we still have the same issues , I have Contact HP Support and they are asking for $59.00 to help me troble shoot something that evryone is having issues with,

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#11 zstekovic 5 years ago

I have exactly the same issue with my cutter (HP Latex 54 Basic) and some more. Most of the time just cut 3/4 inch off (talking about print/cut). I used multiple certified media, just to see if I'm crazy (16 years of experience under the belt with different machines, Roland, Mutoh, GCC, Mimaki, few off brans ones) and I can't figure it out. Cutter is calibrated, and just as the cutter works well (well kind of). What's also broken on this model: The IP address needs to be set to DHCP or it will stop cutting in the middle of the job (randomly) (using HP special shielded magic cable because EMI is off the chart) Good luck upgrading over the network (HP Cutter Control) and cutter stuck at 98% And also, that little addon for networking (serial to TCP) is wide open on selected IP address - high-level HP engineer was surprised over this when we communicate over the phone.

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#12 onesmoothboxer7360 4 years ago

I am having the same problem. The opos is reading but the xy axis is off from printer to cutter. There is no adjustment for this but if there was it could be remedied through this. Please help. I cannot stand behind the quality of my product.

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#13 stxrmxn 4 years ago

Not sure if this helps. We print with flexi print. Cut using flexi on a Graphtec FC 8600 Our prints started cutting off one day. Noticed in Flexi when you go onto default job properties on the "marks and Labels" section i had somehow reduced the margin in the crop mark settings to zero. Put this to 2mm and running fine again. Dont ask me why this is a thing. I mean everything should be standard set to zero to work in my opinion. But there you go.

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#14 mark1missle 4 years ago

Hello @senordcal Did you ever get your accuracy issues solved with your HP print cut solution ?

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#15 lazarusleo0077939 4 years ago

#1 This might sound like I’m being condescending but it’s definitely not meant that way. Have you checked the rollers and gcc vinyl cutter reviews? Mine refused to lock in place to begin with and that produced the same result as what you are describing. Lock and unlock it a couple of times and try out different placements. I’ve found that mine works best with the “outer” roller (the one on the right) set appx 1/5 of the way in.

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#16 infographie9656 3 years ago

I work with a HP Latex 64 cutter and while I was inspecting the machine to try to fix my cutting problem, I've notice there was a really small dirt on the knife so I cleaned it and reinstall it (maybe check the knife). After that, I've performed a length calibration as well as the OPOS calibration on a piece of black vinyl (page 20 user guide) and it fixed the issue. For the moment...

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#17 ivanniroda8710115 2 years ago

#13 yo! i just dropped the barcodes and all is good so far

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