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How Can I Check the Heating Elements?

#1 megank7655 4 years ago

I have prints that are coming out not fully cured. I never had a problem with the media or profile that I'm using before, and I haven't changed any of the settings. I noticed the ink was still wet on the left side coming out of the printer, so I lightly touched the metal curing plate (I know, not recommended). I was able to rest my hand on there indefinitely even though I the printer was set to 200 degrees. The middle and right sections of the curing zone seemed fine. I haven't had any errors come up relating to the heating elements or curing zone. Is there a way for me to check that all of the heating elements are fully functioning? I don't see anything related to it in the service menu, and I'm not finding much information online at all. I forgot to mention - I'm using HP Latex 310

#2 jeff.bird7424 4 years ago

#1 There is a service mode used to calibrate the heaters in the assembly, it is called the homogenizations test. However, before you assume the heaters are faulty, check the history of the printers use, you may find that some materials have made contact with the underside of the heating assembly and have obscured the path of the heater assembly in that area. You may also want to go back and perform a saturation test of that profile. Here's why. The environmental conditions, namely humidity and temperature of the environment in which you print can in fact change the way it prints and cures to media, especially if the media is stored in an alternate location to that of the printer, it is best to store medias in the same environment for at least 24 hours before printing so they can climatize. The saturation test will help you to determine if there is a necessary change to make within the profile, but it is limited to a width of around 30 inches, so you won't in theory know if the far side will cure. So... After you have confirmed the saturation test is set correctly, print a 6" tall and 50+ " wide CMYK black bar, this way you are providing a rich (hardest to cure) image that is wide enough to test the assembly correctly. This is basically what the service mode Homogenization test is looing to show us. If you still have a section that is not curing, it is very possible/likely that you have some blocked holes in the heater that is preventing curing taking place. Contact you local service provider and inquire with them as to the cost of having a tech disassemble the heater and inspect it. You may also want them to check your printer to see where it is at % wise, in its need of the SMK3 service kit. if it is at 90% or more, you may want to order that kit as disassembly of the heater and cleaning it/inspection is typically a part of that service modules required workings anyways. You may be able to actually see blockages in the heaters holes, this is not untypical but its a hard angle to get to, there are angles horse hair brushes that are a part of the smk3 that might be able to get under and clear the holes temporarily, but again, if you are near the smk3 it is best to take it all apart and clean it out properly.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @megank7655, If the issue is related to heaters that the printer is not reporting, you most probably need to get in touch with service support. We have service calibrations related to the Impinging module, but it has to be done by a service engineer.

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#4 dorajsnapp7941 4 years ago

Hi every one, there is a paper problem is my printer HP LaserJet Pro M203dw. when i give command of prin, printer print file perfectly but when 1 paper is print printer suck another paper every printing time. what is the problem can any one sort out this problem?

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