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How many hours does an HP latex 700 printhead last?

#1 kholyanov10019 3 years ago

How many hours does an HP latex 700 printhead last before replacement?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @kholyanov10019, Regarding the timing of use of HPLatex 700 PH's before replacement, there is no exact time value because it depends on how long the printer is used, how long it is in standby mode (this is an important factor), the type of plots, and the type of colors used for each type of job. To increase the PH's life, we recommend following regularly the instructions explained in the User Guide (image attached). Using the Front Panel, you can check the total ink fired per each PH, the status and the nozzle health, and also the warranty status. The PH's guarantee it's in 1,5L ink fired.

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#3 kholyanov10019 3 years ago

#2 Thank you!

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