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HP 3000 Media Profile Installation Issue

#1 carlo5966 a year ago

Hello Everyone Looking for some assistance with a problem I have on my HP Latex 3000. I can no longer install media profiles,. The message I get is that the hard drive is full? The drive has over 200 gigs of free space. Is there a limitation on the number of profiles you can have installed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Carlo Toscano

#2 ramonfergusonw5500515122 a year ago

As i know sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary glitches. Power off the printer, wait a few minutes, and then power it back on. While the number of profiles may not be an issue, check if the size of the profiles you're trying to install is causing the error. Large and complex profiles can occupy considerable space on the hard drive.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @carlo5966, Most probably the issue is because the space dedicated to the media profiles on the ebox hard drive is full. The 200 GB shown on the IPS are referring to the Hard disk in the IPS PC, not the one in the printer. Regarding the limitation on the number of profiles allowed for the printer, there is a limit of 12 GB dedicated to media profiles in the HDD. When you reach this limit the printer doesn't allow installing more media presets. There's no specific number of media profiles that can be installed, instead, there's the limitation of 12 GB. If you need more advanced troubleshooting, can you share the service plot? You can contact us at the generic mailbox,

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