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HP 365 Latex 64 Cutter - HELP HELP HELP - sooooo frustrated

#1 brian.jackson6927 5 years ago

Have been on phone today since 1:15pm speaking with HP support, Onyx (RIP software) and supplier (GRIMCO) trying to solve an issue that just started yesterday - no one knows what's going on, and it's "no one's" fault - they all seem to blame each other. Here goes: Print a file on HP Latex 365 yesterday - size 26" wide x 82" tall. Put in cutter and cutter head begins to "read" paper with registration marks. Scans across page from RT to LT, then back to beginning, then starts to read down rest of media. All of the sudden, it stops reading, then shoots over to other side and then diagonally back to starting location. I use ONYX Rip 19. I click the "CUT NOW" button and adjust cutter to first black mark, where cutter normally recognizes, scans, etc. This time however, it reads across page then back to starting point, then diagonally down and left and just spits my job out. Will not cut. F-it. I went home last night, powered down cutter and thought it would reset itself this morning. Printed new job. Same results inside of cutter. Call HP Support (equip is less than 30 days old).. HP tells me they don't know ONYK. I recalibrate cutter, XPOS, etc. Make a ton of changes to the tune I don't even remember what all prior settings were Try to cut one of the jobs and now get error message: "marks exceed sheet size!" on every job sent to cutter. I am using 54" HP Prime Gloss CP media (adhesive vinyl) Have been using this media since day 1, and no issues. After hanging up with HP and getting my "case number" I call GRIMCO (supplier) we have a 3-way call with ONYX. No one seems to know. I even reinstall the RIP software, and still - marks exceed sheet size! Does anyone have any idea? I'm about to pull the remaining parts of my hair out! Thanks in advance! Coach Jackson

#2 HP-ColorGuy 5 years ago

As a basis of comparison, have you attempted to test using the SAI software that ships in the box with the cutter? That software is called HP Flexi Print & Cut version 19, and if the SAI software prints and cuts correctly, the issue would appear to be related to Onyx Cut-Server versus the cutter itself.

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#3 brian.jackson6927 5 years ago

No to the SAI - our equipment did not come with that. I am in a high school and our local area graphic companies all use ONYX, so we wanted to have the same software for our students to learn with so when they do test, etc. and go out in local market, they would be using same RIP. Two other schools in our area have the same HP Latex 365 but a Graphtec cutter. We requested the Graphtec, but there were "people who know more" who said HP. Thanks for your reply though. On the phone with a HP Level 3 guy this morning. He asks why we don't use "barcodes" rather than the printed square marks. To be honest - I have no idea. It's how the equipment was set up for us through GRIMCO.

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#4 HP-ColorGuy 5 years ago

The HP Latex Cutters (all models)in all cases ship with the SAI software in the box - there is a card with instructions on how to create an account with SAI and download the software. It is perpetually licensed (not a subscription), and one reason I suggested this was to help to help to narrow down/ diagnose the root cause of the issue that you are experiencing. The SAI software also makes producing Print & Cut decals and sticker production easier and more efficient by leveraging the barcode server on the cutter and pairing it with the auto barcode generation capability in the SAI software that comes in the box with the cutter. I am not as familiar with Onyx' capabilities in terms of auto barcode generation and overall setup & configuration settings.

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#5 brian.jackson6927 5 years ago

#4 Found the SAI Flexi card you mentioned and set up the software on my machine. Looks totally foreign to me, but was able to import a file with CutContour and printed on the 365 Latex. When I loaded into the cutter, I didn't see any print registration marks (little squares or barcode) so when I clicked "CUT" the media was cut (but CutThrough path did not happen) but the image was not cut. Any help here? Thanks.

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#6 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

Hi brian.jackson6927 I strongly advise you to reset the cutter and start over with programs you know here are some useful links and files but a lot of reading and testing ...and I think all the troubles comes from the cutter if cutting files are OK (not missing pints, closed cut contours and so on)... Read the PDF file below, it contains other links for calibration, troubleshooting and such...

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#7 brian.jackson6927 5 years ago

Thank you to all who responded - downloaded, installed and SUCCESSFULLY print AND cut a job this morning with the SAI-Flexi. So much easier than the Onyx. So the issue all along had to be with the Onyx 19 Postershop software....over a $5000 investment....going to be seeking a credit on that one.

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