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HP 570 Printing to red

#1 dbrettellsr7447 4 years ago

My HP 570 had been print files on color then those same exact files and profiles started printing everything to red. The files and profiles have been unchanged. I have run all the color maintenance, printhead alignments, also no ink changes have occurred. I'm getting red on all substrates. I have verified all my rip settings from pervious printings of the same files I'm printing today. nothing has changed what could be happening.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @dbrettellsr7447, My recommendation is to check if internal plots or inside image quality maintenance can be printed; then check if they are printed fine. If yes, then the problem should be on the RIP side, so reinstalling the RIP software may be an option. If the internal plot is not printed fine, most probably there is a PH that for some reason is not firing, and then the ink mixing is not happening. If this is the case, please get in touch with HP support.

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