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HP 64 Cutter - Direct Kiss cut on vinyl - front or back?

#1 TimKinsella 3 years ago

I have labels - 9.25x16.5 - I'd like to feed them directly thru the HP 64 cutter and kiss-cut a line across the 9.25 width. A. - is this even do-able? B. - is there any chance of kiss-cutting thru the 'back/substrate' instead of the front/vinyl? Otherwise I'll need to make a 17" label & kiss-cut off 1/2" (on the front!) to end up with the 16.5" final label. Again... if this is even possible... ( can you tell I'm pretty new at this HP Print and Cut workflow??) LOL THANKS... -Tim

#2 camillestew.a9115 3 years ago

View and Download HP 54 Basic Cutter user manual online. 54 Basic Cutter plotter pdf manual download. Also for: Latex 54 cutter, Latex 64 cutter. cutter. Sheets can be loaded from the front or the rear; rolls must be loaded from the rear​. For regular vinyl, the knife pressure should be around 60–80 g for kiss cutting.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @TimKinsella, It's not possible to do the kiss-cut thru the back of the media, as it needs to read the barcode that is printed at the front. Apart from that, it is possible to set a cutting line at the contour of the image (9.25 width) if it´s properly worked in the RIP before sending the cutting job. However, we always recommend setting a contour line with a width a bit bigger. I hope it helps.

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#4 HP-ALBA 3 years ago

hi! if you have not done it before, I recommend you to have a look at this course for Print and Cut process: available through the Learn App in PrintOS. Hope you find it useful!

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