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HP Cutter 54: Pause, remove substrate, put substrate back, resume

#1 bhprinter 2 years ago

Might be a dumb question, but I've spent hours trying to look for a specific answer with no avail.. I make stickers and more often than not, the stickers require a transfer sheet over it. Is there a way where I could have the cutter do a kiss cut and pause before the next cut (I know this part is possible).. and then I REMOVE the substrate to apply a transfer sheet over the stickers then place the substrate with transfer sheet applied and RESUME the cutting again with the next cutting color, such as a perf cut, but using the same OPOS barcode and alignment? Any information would be extremely appreciated. Thank you!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @bhprinter, Please find below the answer we have received from Summa: It is not possible to configure the cutter to do kiss cutting and ignore perf cutting, or ignore kiss cutting and do the perf cutting. However, you can tell the software that has to do the kiss cutting or the perf cutting after it has read the barcode. This is something that should be possible using GoSign, as in this software different layers (or colors) can be set as active or inactive.

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