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HP Cutter 64 & Magnets

#1 brian.jackson6927 4 years ago

Anyone offer any tips/advice on cutting magnetics with the HP 64 cutter? Is it even possible?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @brian.jackson6927, It is important to check if the Magnets Media is certified for HP Cutter. Here are the Specs for cutting: Cut force 0 to 400 grams of downforce, in 5-gram steps Cut thickness 0.05 to 0.25 mm (0.002 to 0.01 in); 0.8 mm (0.03 in) with optional sandblast blade It's not possible to cut any magnetic that is outside of that range of thickness. Try to donwload a media profile adapted for your Magnets Media, otherwise you might need to contact HP Support.

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#3 brian.jackson6927 4 years ago

Thank you. Yes, the media is HP certified - just checked on the HP site. Good to know about the sandblast blade. Much appreciated. I hope one day I am able to help someone like you have helped me.

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#4 GCPS a year ago

Hi , I find the cutter doesnt read the bar code when substrate is applied to the magnet prior to cut. The magnet also moves during the process 0.6mm Any feedback?

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