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HP Cutter depth issue

#1 rackandplume9576 3 years ago

Even with the Force set to 0 grams, its cutting all the way through material. I did not mess with the blade holder from the previous day. Ive check the blade holder and it looks correct.

#2 3 years ago

I'm new to the HP Latex Print and Cut Solution and I have the same problem. Trying to figure out how to set cut settings. Please let me know if you find a solution. Thanks!

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hello, Without knowing which model you are referring to, here are the instructions for the HP Cutter Plus series: Unable to change cutting pressure When changing cutting pressure and the cutting depth does not change, then most likely FlexCut mode has been activated. Disable FlexCut to solve the issue. FlexCut is to be activated by the software driving the machine. Click Menu > FlexCut > FlexCut mode and set to OFF Also, I suggest checking if the knife is placed correctly. I hope it helps.

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