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HP Latex 115 Print quality issue

#1 earhart38012768 2 years ago

So I have done every cleaning process in the image quality panel and it doesn’t seem to help. Taken out all ink, shook it tried printing.. same result. Tried replacing ink… same result. Printer was working flawlessly last week and now this. This shows in all colors even on plot tests and such. Help please!

#2 randy370 2 years ago

Wow! Looks like the media is not compatible. Just checking but is this a different media than previously printed? Also, if this is the same media did you open a new box from the supplier? I've had a couple rolls of media mislabelled in the past.

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#3 bhprinter 2 years ago

I had this issue a while back but can't remember exactly how to fix it. It definitely had to do with my curing temperatures though. Has the temperature/weather changed recently for you?

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