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HP LATEX 310 -> ERROR 23:04 Air pressurization system error

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

hi everybody, I have a problem with HP Latex 310 : I haven't any problems for few month and my Latex 310 print now with good quality, but today, when I print on "one way vision adhesive film", after two minutes printing, printer crashed and I can read it on panel : ERROR 23:04 Air pressurization system error I restarted printer and I after four minutes printing, same problem. Then I restart printer again and printer could finish print job without error, it was only 3 meters... Of course, I have the latest firmware, I am very worried... What about this error? How to avoid this random error? Thanks for all !

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi lerouxjul, This error indicates a hardware issue. You should contact your support source as soon as possible in order to check the printer.

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#3 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

It's a joke? The printer has just more than only one year. Then it is just out of warranty. I always used HP original media and ink. Just printed 1500m² and now I have to pay because the printer has an hardware manufacturing defect problem ? I think it will be expensive, isn't it ? Please give me an explanation of this issue...

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hello lerouxjul I am really sorry to hear from your issue but as I comment before this system-error indicates a hardware issue and in order to have a more accurate view of the magnitude the printer has to be check by your support source. Your support source is the only ones who can give a reparation estimate. Please keep me updated about this!

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#5 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

In France HP support is very very bad. When printer was under warranty, support source never solved any problem. After warranty ends, I have this ERROR 23:04. I contact my support source that don't take time to check printer or anything else, they just said "APS is defect, we will send quotation to replace APS"... Then I can said that ; - it is absolutely not normal to have to replace APS on a new printer that is just one year old (I haven't had to replace printheads that are the first one). - it is absolutely not normal to never find solution under warranty and to send expensive quotation just after warranty ended without checking printer. We where interested to buy a LATEX 360 to have possibility to print larger banners but for now, it's impossible just to think to order a new HP Latex printer...for the customers, HP Latex are just a prototype and for HP it's just cash machine. We will see for Ricoh Latex printers that seems more serious. And after that, I will create a testing Blog to relate my HP latex feedback and to offer everybody in the world to know that HP latex printers needs to inevitably include Care Pack in the final quotation because these printers are just prototypes and HP didn't assumes it and finaly, it's the customer that have to pay for HP manufacturing defect. Finaly, If we count and include all, HP Latex is the world's most expensive printer ! If you can not provide a solution, can you tell me if it is possible to buy an aftersale Care Pack on a printer that has more than one year ?

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#6 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

still no solution... still no explanation...

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#7 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I can understand your situation in here. I am completely sure we will solve this issue during the following days. As we are putting all the resources to solve it!

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#8 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

hopes...hopes that we didn't have made an enormous mistake by choosing this third serie of HP Latex.

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#9 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

Hi, I'm still waiting...

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#10 ifderr6657 5 years ago

i have dealt with 23 error many cases. Most of the time either kinked air tube or failed PIP. It is very rare APS fails on Latex. I’m surprised that dealer pointed on APS without even troubleshooting printer on site.

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#11 ejborkez 5 years ago

#1 I had this issue and was a broken tube, bited by a rat

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