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HP Latex 315

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 tailoxal 5 years ago

Hello everyone One month ago my boss dumped on me the HP Latex 315 + Cutter. I said dumped on me because I have no training at all in this field (I was an operator of some laser cutting machines) and at the beggining I had absolutely no idea what I was doing (the HP reseller didn't help - at all) Now i figured out a solution for most of my problems BUT the Red still looks more like an Orange, not a bright red. I've read all the articles in the HP Latex Knowledge Center and the Article by HP-Sonia about Vivid colours but I don't know how to apply these information. I just print using only 5 plain colours, no shades, everything with sharp edges because I only print signs on Self-Adhesive vynil for the Industry (warnings, obligations, prohibitons) All the colours are perfect except the Red I only print Red on white Metamark MDP-H 10p_CMYKcm_110 93° Red CMYK (0 - 100 - 100 - 0) or RGB (255,0,0) I don't use the profile recognized by HP because the colours are less vivid. So I just print not using any profile at all (I just want to spread the purest colour I can get) but I know is not a very good option not using any profile but until now it worked for me Today I printed a PRINT TEST from the Production Manager HP / Printer Option / Media MDP-H to check the saturation of the colours. From this test I get a pretty good red on 110% 10p! The difference betwen that Red and my pure Red (CMYK or RGB) are marked Anyone can explain to me why? Thank you very much any help is appreciated! Davide

#2 dypinc 5 years ago

Can you find out what the output values for the red in the test print are. If you can then you should be able to set those output values in your prints. I believe Production Manager has the ability to replace color.

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#3 tailoxal 5 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply dypinc As far as i know the values of my test print are the same. I didn't change any values before or after printing (please find attached my value settings of the test) Replacing color would be great, can you please give more specific directions? Thanks

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#4 Fodin 5 years ago

#4 There is only first chapter available. All others writes "This presentation is inactive".

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#5 paulelw 5 years ago

#1 I would print a swatch of colours and from that find a suitable red and narrow down the values of that. This is generally how we find what colour values can match Pantone and other hard to find colours. I normally work from a large CMYK Converted Pantone Swatch to give me an idea how a whole range of colour mixes look and use this to compare for other printer outputs and even paint. Other ink values(adding small percentage of Black and/or Cyan being added can also boost or deepen/darken colours.

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#6 tailoxal 5 years ago

#7 Thanks for your reply paulelw I 've already print a swatch of Pantone and RAL colours and I've tried to add some black, cyan or optimizer but my Red is not enough Red. I think my only option is to increase the number of passes from 10 to above and same thing with the density of the color (110%+) Thanks again for your post!

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#7 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#8 tailoxal Hi I presume you've done all substrate color calibrations and ink density with like: Increasing passes won't change the ink presence (in red) if in the substrate profile is with density 110% or lower. Some other thing you should try in Red prints - try using color profiles like - ISO_Coated_v2_ECI or sRGB or AdobeRGB1998 for example - make squares with some of these profiles (or similar), or you can try pouring more Magenta and Yello ink (if possible from software) or try to change Color curves with linearization numbers... Cheers

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