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HP Latex 335 Banding Issue

#1 percy.kuka6203 3 years ago

I’ve been doing a lot of customized wallpaper printing on non-woven media. Recently we have had a horizontal banding issue and ran all necessary tests from head checks to OMAS. Everything machine wise seems okay. The technician says it’s a material issue, we printed the same creative on another material and the same banding happened again after which the technician said it’s a strange case of material and creative issue. To be fair to the technician we printed another creative on both medias, the banding repeated on the suspected media but not the other. I find this strange. A couple of weeks ago I did find some banding on vinyl also but went away after I cleaned the heads. I rip all my files from EPS format and use ONYX. Does it make sense to use TIFF or Jpeg format while printing some shades. Regards, Percy

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @percy.kuka6203, First, you should search on Media Locator for the proper substrate preset you need. Once done, I recommend checking again all the PHs and especially the media advance. If the media is certified, the printer should print with no issues. In addition to this, it is always better to print using TIFF instead of JPEG.

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#3 percy.kuka6203 3 years ago

Hi Daniela, Thanks a lot for your reply. Was immensely helpful. Just one doubt. The substrate profile says certified for 10 pass and profiled for 8 pass. Does this mean its better to print on 10 pass? Best regards, Percy

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @percy.kuka6203, The certified profiles are validated through an HP certification process that guarantees good results. Although the profiles are designed to have very good results, there is no guarantee of reaching 100%. In this case specifically, it is better to use 10 pass, but you can also use 8 pass if you prefer it.

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#5 percy.kuka6203 3 years ago

Hi Daniela, The slight banding while printing 8 pass on multiple media substrate still persists. Most of our printing is wallpaper, hence we print on 10 pass without issues. But every time we do vinyl prints on 8 pass this issue crops up. We are printing on Avery Vinyl using the MPI 3000 profile. We have checked OMAS, Advance Factors, Print Heads etc. all seem fine. The local HP support engineers have visited and keep saying there isn't any issue with the machine and either blame the material or the design which I find very strange. Could you please suggest if there is anything else I need to look into. Best regards, Percy

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @percy.kuka6203, I would have suggested contacting support, but you mentioned they already checked it. I am sorry I can't be of further assistance. Maybe some other users had a similar experience and can advise.

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