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HP Latex 335 missing colors

#1 Hristo Kostov 3 years ago

After replacing the print heads and reinstalling them light cyan and magenta missing in the PH test plot.What could be the reason?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @Hristo Kostov, I recommend starting the printer without the PHs. Install them once the printer is on. If they don't appear, reinstall the FW. If the issue persists, contact your service representative.

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#3 Hristo Kostov 3 years ago

#3 Thank you, I'll try it tomorrow!

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#4 reply22436 11 months ago

If you've replaced the print heads and still have missing colors, there could be several reasons for this issue with your HP Latex 335 printer: Air Bubbles: Air bubbles in the ink lines or print heads can prevent ink from flowing properly and cause missing colors. Make sure you've properly primed the print heads after installation to remove any air bubbles. Clogged Nozzles: Even with new print heads, it's possible for nozzles to become clogged with dried ink or debris. Perform a nozzle check and, if necessary, use the printer's cleaning function to clear any clogged nozzles. Incorrect Installation: Ensure that the print heads are installed correctly and securely. Improper installation can lead to poor ink flow and missing colors. Ink Cartridge Issues: Check that the ink cartridges are correctly installed and have sufficient ink levels. If an ink cartridge is empty or incorrectly installed, it can result in missing colors. Printhead Alignment: Verify that the printheads are aligned properly. Misaligned printheads can cause printing issues, including missing colors.

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#5 reply23264 10 months ago

Thank you for the solution.

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#6 reply43557 3 months ago

#1 thank you for sharing for this kind of information

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#7 nims44101 3 months ago

Thank you for sharing this information....

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#8 ramirez44756 2 months ago

Several comments have been deleted. All were relevant. Why the deletions?

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#9 tenmile44959 2 months ago

Thank you for sharing this information..

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#10 mvouchercodes a month ago

Great Thanks for the information

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