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HP Latex 335 Printer is not starting.

#1 rcabrera6453 5 years ago

Hi, my printer is not starting and keeps sending me this error message (See attached photo). I turned off and on again and the problem was not solved, I went back and turned off and unplug the power cord, waited a while and reconnected and turned on and still nothing. I check the power circuit breaker and is ok but the problem was not solved. Please Help

#2 kelvin.ng5186 5 years ago

Hi rcabrera6453, Error 79:04 is generic firmware error, suggest you log in the case to hp for better support.

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#3 paulelw 5 years ago

#1 The 79:04 error normally pertains to firmware. You can try to save the latest firmware to a USB thumb drive and insert the thumb-drive to the USB port in the back of the printer. The thumb drive has to be clean and formatted (Fat32) and only have the firmware file on it. When the printer starts it will recognise the USB drive and re-install the firmware. If this has not better result you will have to contact a HP Technician.

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