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HP Latex 335 printhead issue: what's the cause?

#1 constanteen17458 a year ago

After turning on the printer and starting to print, it gives an error regarding the 6th head, C-Y, with error code *0x100008. It produces artifacts in the print, as shown in the photo. Swapping or replacing the heads doesn't resolve the error, whether it's a new head or a used one. After turning off and letting it sit for 30 minutes or longer, simply replacing or swapping the heads clears the error. The printer can then print for an hour to 3-5 hours, and then the same issue occurs again. Sometimes it can print continuously for around 4-5 hours, while other times it may encounter the error within half an hour. The error is only resolved by replacing or swapping the head after turning off and waiting. Occasionally, simply turning the printer off and on may rarely resolve the problem.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @constanteen17458, My recommendation is to call your support representative, as there's nothing we can troubleshoot. We tried investigating the issue with no luck and are unable to assess how it occurs. It could be related to the trailing cable, but we can't say for sure. The best option is to have a service representative have a look at it.

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