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HP latex 360 Curing temp and vacuum guide

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Pixel 5 years ago

I am printing on a 200gsm Satin Photo paper and have bee recommended settings by our resellers technician. However we are getting smearing on the paper from the head passing over and also bucking of the paper also causing it to hit the top of the dryer also causing marks. The recommendation was for default vacuum of 20, 16p and curing temp of 90. I was previously using a vacuum of 60, 10p and temp of 70 to try and avoid the buckling which got better results. Would love to know if there is a guide for optimal settings for this and other papers Thanks in advance!

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello I recommend going to and search for Satin Photo paper. You can download the profile from there. I hope this helps to get the appropriate setting for your print.

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