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HP Latex 360 Firmware won't update

#1 design11047 2 years ago

I can't update the Firmware for my HP Latex 360 printer. When I run the diagnostics & troubleshooting test it fails at step 13. It says there has been an error with the internet proxy. I checked and my printer is connected to the internet.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @design11047, I am missing some details in order to investigate best, like FW installed, how you are trying to upgrade the FW... If it is not possible to perform a firmware update using the Embedded Web Server, it is still possible to do it using a USB flash drive, following the next steps. Turn off the printer. Ensure that your USB flash drive contains a valid FMW firmware file and no other files. Connect the USB flash drive to the USB host port on the Formatter. Turn on the printer and follow the instructions on the front panel. I hope this helps.

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#3 cmgraphicsjamar11463 2 years ago

#1 Hi design11047, How are you connected to the Internet? I had the same issue. The way the printer is set up at our establishment is through LAN network (local area Network) via ethernet cable. I removed the LAN ethernet cable and ran a different ethernet cable straight from the modem to the HP Latex printer. Go to settings , connectivity, network connectivity, gigabit ethernet, modify configuration, tcp/ip ipv4 setting, config method, auto ip. Hit the home button and accept the changed settings, swipe main screen to left net to connectivity there is an icon that reads printer click and update. I hope this help you.

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