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HP Latex 365 print moving during long print runs

HP Latex 365 Printer

#1 max7017 4 years ago

Hi, I print wallcoverings and I am struggling with cutting and finishing due to the print moving side to side constantly by sometime 5mm over say 3-5 m of material. Is there something wrong with the way I'm setting my jobs up or is there a way to deal with this issue. Any help would really be appreciated! Cheers, Max

#2 HP-Sonia 4 years ago

Hello @max7017 There are 3 points to take into account in order to solve this type of issue: Roll Hub Skew setting Make sure roll paper is not already telescoping condition when you want to load it. Hubs, must to be settle down firmly and not moving when printer is working. I suggest settling a low level of skew when customer load paper.

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#3 max7017 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the reply, I have done all three of those points and set the skew to 1mm and i still experience the same problem. Is this a common problem or do you think maybe it's down the material I am using? I have been trying to resolve this problem for months now and I cant seem to get anywhere with it, I know other companies do use Latex 365 printers to print wallpaper, I would love to know how they deal with it. Regards, Max

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#4 HP-Sonia 4 years ago

Hello @max7017 I am sorry but we cannot help here. I suggest to contact HP Support, a technical service has to check the problem.

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#5 max7017 4 years ago

Hi, Do you know where I can download the Straightness Optimization plot for HP Latex 365?

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#6 ltreeceiii 4 years ago

What material are you using for the wallpaper? For some self-adhesive options, we were using PhotoTex OPA and was dealing with some major skewing and sizing problems with it so I switched over to RadGrafix by Grimco and set up a tiling profile for it and that has helped tremendously. I was no longer getting any major shifting in the material and all of the panels were line up correctly.

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