What was your overall satisfaction with LKC?
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
I have a HP Latex 365 that I have had for two years. I use SAI for production and most of our artwork is done on Adobe Illustrator. I have been printing banners lately and all of a sudden no matter what my production manager says (ie. it is centered on the media) the banner, 2ft x 5ft, will push and align to the right side of the substrate when printing and towards the middle to the very end of the print it cuts the top right off and moves it to the left leaving a blank white space in the top right corner of the banner. I have never had this issue before. I have tried using vectored images, flattened (Jpeg), flattened on top of vectored item, and all different artwork strategies but it still prints aligned to the right with the same problem. The only quick fix that was found is making a separate box that is bigger than the banner artwork and it printed dead center on the substrate but when trying to recreate this it printed back to the right. I am at my wits end. It isn't the artwork, the roll was loaded correctly, the ICC profiles match, and this all happened out of the blue. One day it was printing banners fine and now this I will try to post pictures of what I am talking about.