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HP Latex 54 Basic Plus Cutter Help

#1 mikayla16835 a year ago

I have been having trouble with the cutter cutting off the contour cut. I have been having to calibrate the OPOS to fix this. Now the blade will not come in contact with the vinyl to cut. I can't find any solutions online.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @mikayla16835, It may be necessary to adjust the cutter head's parameters, for which you have to click on the weight symbol (see image 1 attached). Adjust the details with the arrows. If the cutter does not touch the vinyl, you will probably have to increase the value of the grammage (see image 2 attached). If changing the cutting pressure the cutting depth does not change, then most likely the FlexCut mode has been set to active. Disable FlexCut to solve the issue. FlexCut is to be activated by the software driving the machine. Click [Menu] – [FlexCut] – [FlexCut mode] and set it to “OFF”. If none of this solves the issue, then most likely there is a problem with the cutter head and in that case, you should contact your support representative for advanced troubleshooting.

   image 1.png
   image 2.png
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