What was your overall satisfaction with LKC?
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
We've had our HP 115 Latex and cutter package for just over two weeks now and generally we're really pleased with the set up. Apologies if this is an obvious question... I can't seem to figure out if (or how) the cutter will cut sheets from a roll. I have a job for 300 x 1m x 1m stickers. I need to supply these flat packed so I want to run an entire roll of print, then kiss cut the sticker, then cut each 1m section off. Obviously, I could cut sheets on the printer in 1m sections and feed these in individually into the cutter, but this would take a lot of time (and patience) I would have expected that there would be an option to cut sheets from the roll as I'm running the cut job. Any advice on how I can achieve this? Thanks in advance