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HP Latex 560 Can't Calibrate Backlit and Textile Medias

HP Latex 500 Series

#1 fishtifer 7 years ago

I just got a Latex 560 and I can only find one media I can use for backlits and textiles that that will allow me to Calibrate and create an ICC but it's ink limit only goes to 185 (Generic Self Adhesive Vivid) I need a media that I can Calibrate and create an ICC that will allow me to go over 200, hopefully 230 or 260. HP Support says it can't be done and these profiles are made in Spain. I was used to simply checkingturning the High Ink Level for my L26500 and I got amazing backlits. Now every 560 Backlit or textile profile has way too much magenta in it and not enough yellow, so all my greys come out purple. Does anybody have a good backlit or textile media that has decent colors or has the ability to Calibrate and create an ICC? See attached picture.

#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @fishtifer You can download one of the ICC profile from the Certified list of the Media Solutions. Not a generic but an specific one even though is not the exact media. I hope this information helps

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#3 paulelw 6 years ago

You could use a media such as backlit film as a starting point and boost it in the rip and experiment (but it could be a waste of time if no good result). Otherwise: You would need to build a custom profile from a High-end Colour Spectro like a Barbieri to measure the backlit printing and build a proper profile. The Barbieri can control backlit illumination so it can measure and create an ICC correctly. This is the only sure fire method i know of to get best results for backlit apart from creating from your own 'eyes'. You can also copy the profile from your older machine and find a way to emulate it. Your media vendor should have profiles but sometimes they don't get around to building them and rely on customers to make that happen.

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#4 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

@paulelw thanks for your answer! @fishtifer at the Media Solution Locator we have the right profiles to print textile backlits, if you are willing to build your custom profile, make sure you check the final performance that you are expecting.

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