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HP Latex 570 19.31:10

#1 V-Pixel a year ago

Hello, does anyone know what to do on Errorcode 19.31:10 ? I can't find this code in the manual. Thank you for quick answers! Best regards Manu

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @V-Pixel, Here are some potential solutions: Reconnect the printer cables. Swap the printer cable and the curing cable. If the problem disappears or the printer does not start, change both cables. Check the electrical installation. If none of these fixes the issue, you need to contact your support representative, in order for a technician can come and check it.

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#3 AlexGan a year ago

Keep in mind that attempting to perform complex repairs without proper knowledge or training may result in further damage. If the printer is under warranty, it is advisable to seek assistance from HP Support or an authorized service provider. Always refer to the printer's user manual or documentation for model-specific information and troubleshooting steps. If you don't have the manual, you can usually find it on the HP support website or request a copy from HP customer support.

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#4 sebastianenewell20755 11 months ago

I agree that attempting to perform complex repairs without proper knowledge or training may result in further damage.

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#5 johnsa3 9 months ago

How can improper repair attempts potentially lead to further damage?

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