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Hp latex 700 problem

#1 info9849 2 years ago

I replaced my 360 with a 700 on July 15th. Since then, nothing has worked: Grainy print Impossible to have a correct black (blacks are 100% black in my file) A technician to work on it for 3 days, replacing the heads, creating profiles, ..... Everything has been tried, but nothing works. And HP does not want to intervene, because according to them, the machine works correctly. Here is a test printed today, with comparison of prints made with the 360. 360: 8 pass ink 90 700: 8 pass ink 110 The rolls are printed on 360, the parts overlaid with 700.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @info9849, First of all, please make sure to use media certified by HP. On the other hand, grain can be caused by bad PH alignment or advance issues. Make sure that the printheads are in good health and correctly aligned. Make sure that the OMAS is enabled and print the advance plot to choose the correct value for this specific media. If these don't improve the issue, I suggest contacting your support representative.

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#3 info9849 2 years ago

Hello, All this was done by the technical department of our distributor. All the tests were sent to HP belgium, but according to them, no problem, the quality is "normal". While our distributor recognizes poor quality. So we are stuck

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#4 bjpopp 2 years ago

What pass mode, ink density, and optimizer level are you using?

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#5 info9849 2 years ago

we tried just about everything: 6 pass - 6c - ink 100 8 pass - 6c - ink 110 12 pass - 6c - ink 120

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#6 tjvisualdesign5118 2 years ago

That looks like a optimizer issue. Have you done the optimizer chart printout in the substrate section? It looks like the optimizer is not being used at all.

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#7 graphixtrem5537 2 years ago

yes, we tried to increase it and decrease it. on monomeric vinyls, we have excellent results. but on polymer or cast, it's a disaster. we tried on 7 different rolls

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#8 info9849 2 years ago

News: I went to a competitor, who has the same printer. Of course, I went with my vinyl and my files. Well there is no photo: its blacks are very black, and the colors very sharp. So it is definitely a machine problem. For the story: The installation had been postponed because the machine reserved for us was no longer available When unpacking the machine, the screen was bent and damaged The serial number was not known in the HP database installed on July 15, 2022, but I see on the back, on the label, that the machine was manufactured on the 12th number 2021. Surprising that a machine can remain in stock for 7 months given the shortage in all areas My quality issues I wonder if finally, I did not receive a demo or reconditioned machine I'm not a technician, but the first thing that should have been done was to change the printheads and/or the inks. Ok, everything is new, but we are never safe from a manufacturing problem. Here, no, they don't want to do it because they are 99% certain that it does not come from there Hp will now order a roll of orajet 3551 to do tests at home, in barcelona, ​​on their machine.... ridiculous... As if I was the only one in the world to use this vinyl. Especially since we tested avery and arlon too

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#9 Jeni11750 2 years ago

HP doesn't like to escalate small business can go under because of their lack of any kind of support - unless you are spending millions with them, of course. i have so many issues with my 700w and we are in "2nd stage escalation" which is nothing but delay...3 months now i have been outsourcing prints because they can't escalate i get to pay for my equipment monthly AND outsource prints at the same time. they do not care about customers bleeding money, its not theirs....

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#10 tjvisualdesign5118 2 years ago

Unfortunately HP have this Apple mentality where they believe they can do no wrong and that it's all the consumers fault. They have had 2 decades to get this platform correct, but it seems they still can't get it right or they don't want to get it right...

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#11 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @tjvisualdesign5118, Could you please drop me an email at with more details regarding your comment: printer impacted, issues encountered, etc. Thank you!

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#12 tjvisualdesign5118 2 years ago

#11 said tjvisualdesign5118 Yes of course, I've emailed you just now. Thank you

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#13 CDS_artroom_23 a year ago

We had several months of issues with our new HP700. Looks to be the same issue. The Optimizer head is not performing well. Cry hard to who you purchased your printer and let them know. Also, be sure to calibrate the product you are using.

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