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HP LATEX 700w Uni-Directional ?

#1 Khem 3 years ago

Hi HP LATEX 700w can print uni-directional on onyx 21 ?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @Khem, This unidirectional print mode is available for SAV 16p120%.

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#3 HP-NoellePeutat 3 years ago

HI @Khem The only mode available as UNI is 8pUNI in the Self adhesive category. You can find it in our generic printmode. If you want to create extra ones, you can clone the SAV preset and select 16p. Until 120% (included) it is a 8pUNI mode.

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#4 ryanflanaga.n2549372 3 years ago

I also heard that you need to get technician to do yearly service (just like a car) but latex you pretty much just keep running it until it needs service. Printing result, I'm more toward the UV mimaki since it can print white and clear.

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#5 bhamilton9851 3 years ago

I'm not sure if this is where I should ask this but I'm having an issue with some uneven prints with my 700w. I attached photos and am wondering if anyone has some insight. Any help would be more than appreciated

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @bhamilton9851, Considering the information you provided, I can recommend checking the media advance, which could be causing the IQ issue. I hope it helps.

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#7 customsthis12361 2 years ago

Hi @basket random I have also heard that you need to get a technician to do annual service (just like a car), but with latex, you pretty much just keep running it until it needs to be serviced. When it comes to printing results, the UV mimaki is the option I lean toward the most because it can print in both white and clear.

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