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HP Latex 800w Cast self adhensive vinyl problem problem

#1 matejamarta11231 2 years ago

Greetings everyone! We have a problem loading Cast self adhensive vinyl, all other materials are loading fine, but cast won't work (It doesn't go trough wheels) it get's stuck inside. Does anyone know a solution to this problem? Have a nice day everyone!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @matejamarta11231, I would consider or suggest the following: Did you try it as a generic media SAV? Did you try loading as Banner? During the loading process, the vacuum internally is different and could help. If the problem persists try to load the media as a Textile due to the pinches' position being different. When the media is loaded, go to the FP, Rollo, and change the media name to SAV. For previous printing please perform the media advance calibration plot and choose the proper value on the print mode. If the problem persists please contact your support representative.

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#3 matejamarta11231 2 years ago

#2 Thank you very much! It worked loading as Baner and Textile works.

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#4 printertales 2 years ago

This type of problem arises when your ink color mixes with each other. that s the vinyl problem arise.

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#5 niels10870 2 years ago

If you cut the leading edge which you feed into the machine in a bow it wil nog peel off te backing while loading.

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#6 theworldofsigns a year ago

#5 I second this, we call it the happy face. but not so happy lol

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