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HP Latex Able to print on Tyvek (HDPE)

HP Latex 850 Printer

#1 surferdude494 9 years ago

Hi Everyone, I just recently have been introduced to the HP Latex printer. I was wondering if these printers are able to print on Tyvek ( I did a demo with one of the roland inkjet printers and it was very capable of printing a high resolution image onto this tyvek. This is the exact tyvek I used : Looking forward to your responses and thanks for your time! Robbie

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi, Can you please precise me which printer are you talking about. Nowadays there are two different HP Latex Inks generations in the market and each one has his own media compatibilities. Nonetheless, you can check media compatibilities per printer in the HP Media Solutions Locator.

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#3 surferdude494 9 years ago

Hello, Thanks for your response, I am not sure which printer I am wanting, but would like to find a HP printer that is able to print on this tyvek. I know it gets compicated because different tyvek is capable of obsorbing different inks, which is where my confusion comes into play. The different tyveks are listed here under the Tyvek Graphics section: Thanks for your help.

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#4 TGAPCLT 9 years ago

Assuming you are interested in the 300 series Latex printers, you will have no problem printing the coated Tyvek. As for the uncoated versions, it might be best to contact your local HP Supplier to discuss further. If they have a printer on site, then request a sample roll from the Tyvek vendor and have your HP supplier to run some tests.

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#5 --- 8 years ago

I have a customer that would like to print double sided on tyvek with the HP latex 831 series of inks. Any ideas? Wrote: Hi Everyone, I just recently have been introduced to the HP Latex printer. I was wondering if these printers are able to print on Tyvek ( I did a demo with one of the roland inkjet printers and it was very capable of printing a high resolution image onto this tyvek. This is the exact tyvek I used : Looking forward to your responses and thanks for your time! Robbie tomer looking for a tyvek material that can be double side printed with the HP Latex 831 series of i surferdude494 wrote: Hi Everyone, I just recently have been introduced to the HP Latex printer. I was wondering if these printers are able to print on Tyvek ( I did a demo with one of the roland inkjet printers and it was very capable of printing a high resolution image onto this tyvek. This is the exact tyvek I used : Looking forward to your responses and thanks for your time! Robbie nks. Any ideas?

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