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HP Latex Barcodes on Reflective Problems

#1 TrulineGraphicsLLC 3 years ago

I printed a test job on some Lumina 7300 white reflective vinyl. The print quality came out fine. I laminated over it as well and tried to get the 54" summa cutter that comes with the Latex 315 print & cut setup. It would not read the barcode so I tried to do a test calibrartion print (black/yellow/white boxes) and the cutter says it can't read the yellow, that it's too bright. So where do I go from here? I know plenty of people are using reflective with the latex printers so how do I get around this cutter not reading the barcode?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @TrulineGraphicsLLC, I would recommend trying with an HP-certified media. You can check the media locator and filter by application (Print and cut). Also, you can apply the "Reflective" Sub-type as a filter. I hope this helps.

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#3 TrulineGraphicsLLC 3 years ago

I had to buy Lumina because the customer requested it as they're used to working with it, but the size and thickness is what was required and HP's films are double hte price for lesser quality so in this case I had no choice. Also, buying HP material just to TRY and see if it works is a stretch. I know in the tutorial videos on the HP YouTube page the gentleman said reflective was a known problem and I'm sure he was referring to HP's reflective since he works for HP. So I'd be gambling even if I did buy another expensive roll. Can you tell me if it's possible to print just the barcode for a job from the latex printers? I would just print the barcode on normal film and stick it over the laminated reflective material so it could properly cut it out.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @TrulineGraphicsLLC, My recommendation would be to perform the OPOS calibration, but I understand you already did that and it caused issues with the yellow ink. For the printers having white ink, there is an option that allows printing the barcode on reflective material, but this is not your case. If you go ahead with the option you mentioned, it can happen that the cut will not be properly aligned. Bottom line is that the reflective materials are known to have issues with the cutter. I am sorry I can't help more on this matter.

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#5 martin_iribarren 3 years ago

Hola, cuando hemos tenido el mismo problema hacemos lo siguiente: A) Primero verificamos que no haya ningún resto de vinilo pegado en el lector de opos o que la lente baje correctamente para hacer la lectura. B) Si es correcto, intentamos acercar el lector del opos al código de barra lo más aproximado posible para iniciar la lectura. Me refiero a 1 o 2 cm de la linea del código de barras. A veces sucede que cuando hace un recorrido corto por el vinilo blanco, la lectura es correcta. C) Si esto no funciona, enviamos el documento a cortar directamente desde el PM y hacemos que solo lea las marcas de opos, no el código de barras. Indicando la primera marca como lo pide la cortadora y luego el solo continua la lectura. Eso si..., debes verificar que la posición de la pieza sea la correcta, porque si has cargado el media al reves... los cortes serán erróneos! Espero que te sea útil.

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#6 darrellcarpenay8832 2 years ago

#1 Some cutters will have issues reading the barcode on reflective material. You will have to send the cut from the PC to the cutter, the cutter will then ask for you to place the tool over the first mark (on HP64 cutter), and press play. It will align and cut without using the barcode. I've encountered some problems with this method also where the OPOS sensor doesn't read even the black alignment marks - I guess it's a hit or miss depending on the type of reflective material you use.

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