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HP Wallart and Wix

#1 Signmark 6 years ago


Does anyone have experience or the knowledge of how or if Wallart can be fully integrated into a site hosted on WIX?

Thank you.

#2 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

Unfortunately, we don’t have any feedback coming from an integration done with Wix. However the Access token based authorization was specially designed to work with all hosting sites. About performing a full integration method, this should work for you with any trouble, the only inconvenient is that you will have to do it from scratch. Some help that might let you decide or choose what your next steps will be is to taking a look at a dummy site that we have will guide you to an entire workflow setup, maybe not too obvious reaching this but might be really use full as a model to complete a full integration API. You can find through the developers website that is provided in your HP Applications Center account at settings > web integration> developers website or directly through this URL Please find the credentials in the attached image (dummy_site.png) We want also to clarify that customers might requires an experienced developer with knowledge on web development, JSON and server-side scripting languages to reach their goals with. Some examples that will give you a better idea of some demo integrations with different methods. The second one is done in Word Press, we know that you want to use Wix, but just to give you an example.

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