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HP Wallart - output print size

#1 --- 10 years ago

Dear HP Wallart users, i'm just starting out to use the hp wallart feature. and just tried out to submit a test order. the tiled pdfs came out as about 60cm width prints. any ideas on how to make it bigger? say around the 135cm so we don't need to cut and align edges too often as we're using HP PVC Free Wallpaper. thanks albert

#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi Layer-CS, I was waiting to see if any other HP WallArt user could answer instead of me but... If you want to change the tile with of your jobs, this is what you have to do: 1- Go to your HP WallArt Option Menu. 2- Go to the "wallpaper options" and change the "tile width" at the size you want: Attention: This will change the tile width of all your future jobs, but if you want to change the tile width of your current jobs, this is what you have to do: 1- Go to your dashboard menu. 2- Click on the "blue arrow", and a small menu will appear: 3- Click on settings, and a new menu will appear. There you can will be able to set a new tile with for this project. I hope this helps!

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