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HP Wallart Payment integration

#1 soyeb 8 years ago

I think HP have done a great job creating the wallart suite but the major issue I have at the moment is this: 1, customer uses wallart 2, customer submits order Problem with this is everything is good, but the process does'nt include the payment and orders are processed. I have 2 of the following issues with this : a, orders with non payment b, orders which require payment which now need to be chased making it inefficient. c, orders with delayed payment. What would you recommend? I am using the embed wallart link method as opposed to the full integration method as I find it very difficult to understand as I am not a web developer. Thank you

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Soyeb, Our best recommendation on this case would be to try a full web-integration by using our WordPress Plugin. Even though configuring and setting up our WordPress Plugin might be sometimes challenging without some WordPress knowledge we would like to inform you that we have a guide/tutorial to accomplish this and also a great Support Team that will pleased to help you on any doubt that you might encounter during your integration process. We would like to suggest to do this under a test environment in order to not compromise your main site. Our WordPress Plugin includes an e-commerce solution with a payment process included. This Plugin is a basic solution that can be customized with further web development or work as is to accomplish its purpose. An example with the Plugin would be

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#3 soyeb 8 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your reply, the only problem is I am using the opencart interface and the site has been in development for a long time now. Ive tried to understand how to do a full web integration but to no avail. It is simply too difficult in understanding how to do a full web integration. I have read the manual supplied by HP but its not straightforward at all. Is there a video or something which we can watch to understand how to make it work? The current video doesnt really cover anything. This could just be me or maybe its something for a web developer to do. I managed to understand from the manual you have to use something called 0auth. What is this and how do you downlaod/use it? Ive currently set wallart as an external link so now I need to take payments once the order has been placed.Would be great if I could have orders within my opencart dashboard.

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi soyeb, Unfortunately to perform a Full web integration under your environment you will require to hire services of an experienced developer with knowledge on web development, JSON and server-side scripting languages. However we are constantly improving our solution to fit everyone’s requirements for future versions of our product.

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