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HP Wallart Suite/Applications Center Issue

#1 norfolkprintco 4 years ago

I'm trying to use the HP Wallart Suite having recently purchased an HP Latex but I can't seem to save any details for the Applications Center when registering my details. I follow the instructions, fill in the fields required, press save and it just resets the form back to what it was and says I need to add my printer information. So next I try to do that and same happens again. The page refreshes, the form resets and nothing saves. I have tried 4 different browsers and 2 different devices and I am having the same problem over and over again. Any suggestions? Feel like I'm either missing something or going crazy.

#2 stephen7706 4 years ago

you need to login through print your HP seller and make sure you are set up in Print OS

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#3 jb@HP 4 years ago

You can register 2 different ways - by either accessing Applications Center from within your printos account as @stephen7706 mentions (register at, or by creating a dedicated Applications Center account at In either case, what you are creating first is a HP Account ID, and what should happen when you hit register is you get an email with an verification code to compete your account setup. Are you getting that code ?

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