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HP310 : Suddenly Problems with banding

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 hub2000 8 years ago

hello, with my hp 310 i more or less suddenly have Problems with banding, see appended pictures. Especially in light-blue skies. Its in 6P Mode. All adjustments (printhead alignment, advance correction -2,-5, -8, +2,+5) do not help. All printheads are ok. i exchanged light-cyan-magenta printhead. At the beginning, (2 months ago) it wasnt this bad. Do you have a hint from your experience? (I do not need the "advice" with higher pass mode, this is not an option (its better then but not fully away, and its slower, and why did it work 2 months ago).

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi hub2000, I see that you've already tried all the obvious solutions. I think that maybe you are experiencing this horizontal banding due to the higher usage of light colors in your print than in your past previous. Normally prints at 6 pass are done using CMYK configuration instead of CMYKcm. I may recommend you to re print the job using just CMYK configuration. You should be able to see some improvements.

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#3 hub2000 8 years ago

Hello, thank you, that helped, its completely gone. There is only the question why this doesnt work with CMYKlclm... hub2000

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#4 dypinc 8 years ago

It is unfortunate that the use of two lc/lm printheads caused a problem being too close to the optimizer printhead. So your seeing the result of only using one lc/lm printhead. 10 pass and under will cause these problems if lc/lm is used. It is either ink starvation or lack of redundant nozzles. One option if CMYKcm is required is to add some inter-pass delay if printing 10 pass or under. It might even be good to add 200ms inter-pass delay at 12 pass.

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#5 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Dypink is right,nowadays the HP Latex 300 Series printers only have one printhead dedicated to light colors. When using a fast mode (8 passes or less) some issues like the described could appear, for this reason is better to use the CMYK configuration for these modes in order to get the best results.

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