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HP360 Latex Black Heads keep failing

#1 adam7438 4 years ago

Hi Not sure if anyone can help, we have a 360 Latex and it was sat dormant for a few weeks. I went to print on it and both black heads had stopped working. After cleaning etc i replaced the heads and all was good. A week later i have gone to print something else and no ink was coming out of any of the heads. After a few cleans all the other colours came back to life but no black again. I have done a number of cleans and they still will not print. As its both heads again my head is telling me there is something else going on. Anyone have any ideas please thanks Adam

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @adam7438, Please get in touch with HP Support, as it might be necessary to open the covers and check for any damaged tube or leakage.

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