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Hp570 ink creating de-lamination problem for hot laminates

#1 tjvisualdesign5118 4 years ago

I've switched to a Hp570 and have noticed that the ink is creating a de-lamination problem when hot laminating. The paper is a polypropylene synthetic paper and the laminate is 43 micron glossy laminate. I don't have any problems with normal cellulose based paper and the same hp570 ink, but as the HP570 is incapable of printing on cellulose based paper I have no choice but to go to a synthetic paper. The synthetic paper is designed to be laminated but it seems like the ink is creating a waxy layer. I'm using 110% color 10 pass with 35% optimizer at 100 degrees C I've tried increasing/decreasing the temp, increasing/decreasing optimizer, but it looks like the ink is problem. Just need to know what paper works on these problematic machines?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @tjvisualdesign5118, Every SAV substrate should work on the HP printer. See below some recommendations to fix the issue: • Review the SAV film specifications and overlaminate specifications to find recommended combinations. • Some media suppliers and dealers provide a compatibility matrix where these recommendations are also made. Review it when available. • Surfaces where overlaminated printed film will be applied need to be cleaned to remove surface contaminants. • Give overlaminated printed films time to bond before manipulating them: 24h for regular jobs (direct application). • 20⁰C-60% RH environment. I hope this helps.

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