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HPWall Art, Wall Covering question

#1 like2ct 9 years ago

Tried to post this in the WallArt forum but no new message button. Anyways, Is there any way when creating a Wall Cover tile job to exclude items like door or window openings when creating the panels? It seems that the panels are not taking in account the areas which are not to be printed. Looked over the tutorials but was not able to find anything. Thanks, Ernst

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi like2ct, The configuration of your room layout is designed to place objects like windows, doors, edges light switch … in order to avoid image area lost. These just provides the end-user an idea about how the wallcovering will end up, not affecting in any aspect the generated .pdf. You won’t see any blank area that refers to that window or that door you placed when you were designing your project.

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