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HPWallArt Wordpress Plugin Order Numbers

#1 ryan5096 6 years ago

Hi I have created a Wordpress site that uses the plugin and have it all working as it should but I cannot seem to find a way to make the order number created in Woocommerce to tie in/match with the order numbers in the applications centre. Can someone help me please?

#2 --- 6 years ago

Once a customer has ordered a job through the website in which HP WallArt is integrated and the checkout form is completed, customer information should be found in the corresponding e-commerce orders section. Unfortunately end-users information will not appear in the HP WallArt account but in the e-commerce section that HP WallArt use for the integration. On the other hand if you want to know the order id that one project has in the HP WallArt you can use the HP WallArt Store Services API. We would like to inform your that the following URL only provide information about projects that has been generated through the API. The E-Commerce Site can access to the interface and get info about projects. The following URL receive two variable parameters which we should be previously defined: url_identifier and id of the project. As you can see in the image below response data will have two possible results: Success: The project that we have requested for exists and we will see all the information related this corresponding project. As example we have created a project through our E-Commerce site and when we type the URL with our url_identifier and the project id we want to request for, we receive the following response: Error: When we delete a project that we previously have created, when the project doesn´t exist, when the url_identifier is wrong typed… the project couldn´t be found so the result will be an error. If right now we go to our HP WallArt account an delete the project of the image we have created above, id: 809, the result will be the following:

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