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Humidity and the effects on a Printhead

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 Roy_Kuzmich 7 years ago

Hi all, I have a client running on a L310. They have been having issues with the lm/lc printhead - particularly the light cyan. They get banding. Now, we have replaced the printhead a couple of times. I have run the Force Drop detect program and updated FW, etc. They use the Gutter enduring all heads are used for prints. Looking at a previous EWS info, I see that the humidity is low (25% +/- 15%). Could this be the issue? They also run very few prints (one or two a week) on vinyl for stickers/labels. Any thoughts would be helpful. Cheers, RoyK

#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @Roy_Kuzmich As far as I can tell, there is no direct relation between the humidity and the PrintHeads issues that you are experiencing. Nevertheless, I always recommend to have the environmental specifications in the best possible conditions and thus ensure that everything is within terms. According to the User Guide: There are also a couple of extra recommendations for the banding issue: - Check the Maintenance Cartridge, if it is defective it might not be doing the capping correctly to any of the PrintHeads. - Try printing in "efficiency mode" (CMYK instead of CMYKcm), which means not using the PHs lights. If you look for that term in the User Guide it will guide you through. Please let me know if you have been able to help your client.

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