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I have an HP 570 latex printer is printing blurry on the "X" axis as well as double imaging ? ?

#1 clicksoftuser7a12788 2 years ago

This is my first experience with my HP 570 Latex Printer I was assisted by techs in setting an ICC profiling for the first kind of vinyl, however I'm trying to create an ICC profile for a different (Thicker)material IJ680CR-10, for which there isn't a profile available on the internet and when I attempt to set the calibration , it prints using the X axis, which is blurry and it prints two images.. How can I fix this issue... Thanks for any assistance...

#2 projects.shansign8014 a year ago

I may be way off but i had a problem when printing on PVC banner material. it would also blur on the x-axis. i reduced my vacuum from 42 to 36 on my latex 335 and it solved the problem. I now reduce the vacuum for heavier materials and this works for me. but i'm not the sharpest pencil in the box.

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