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Ink Blotchy on Vinyl Print

HP Latex 315 Printer

#1 TrulineGraphicsLLC 5 years ago

I'm having an issue where very dark areas, mainly black, are either not drying or the machine has an issue. This is a pretty new Latex 315. Have never replaced ink or optimizer yet, it's not even broke in. Take a look at the attached sample. If you rub your finger on this splotchy area immediately after printing it does come off on your finger a tad. I'm not sure if this is related to the temperature of the room dropping to ~67 ambient (thanks winter) or if maybe it needs more optimizer? This is the same profile I've used on this vinyl for a few months and this is the first time this has popped up. It just recently started this and my thoughts are the only thing changed since summer is the room temperature. Any thoughts??

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 May be you have to raise the curing temperature or hit the "Prepare to print" button - if you're using Caldera - to adjust printing temperature before real printing (if this effect happens only at the beginning of print). But first of all select the profile, hit Modify, then print the color saturation with this ink limit (it's may be 110%) - if area not cured - try raising the temperature and try again. If problem stays on - may be curing module is making problems but first try painless problem solvers And Cheers

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