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Ink Issue, question about warranty.

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Kazziu 7 years ago

Hello fellow Hp Latex users! I'm a new HP Latex 360 user. Recently i have bought oryginal sealed Latex inks 831c on a trip in Spain with one year warranty, after installing the Yellow cartridge and printing 15ml of this ink i got an ink level sensor error, so i had to switch to an older nearly empty cartridge which is ok, no error. Now my question is, can i replace this faulty cartridge directly in HP because the main HP dealer in my country won't replace the cartridge since i haven't bought from them. Can anyone help me with this matter?

#2 Kazziu 7 years ago

I'm located in Poland. The main distributor of HP Latex here in Poland said that i cannot turn faulty inks back becouse i didn't buy them from them.

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#3 HP-AyelenFernandez2 7 years ago

Dear Kazziu, Can I contact you by private message? In order to have more information about your case and try to help yu more. Looking forward to hearing from you again, Regards, Aye.

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