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ink leakage detected in black supply Latex 310

#1 jurmal 6 years ago

Hi, i have masage 26.07.10 ink leakage detected in black supply,not masage about broken bag like in instruction, i check cartrige no leakage, i have latex 310

#2 jurmal 6 years ago

This message i have

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#3 paulelw 6 years ago

This is a Broken bag error but it can be a couple of things. Check the cartridge. Ink can leak from the damaged ink cartridge and contaminate the pressurized air system. Check your ink tubes. Air can get inside the Ink System causing bubbles in the Ink Tubes, which can damage the printheads. The PCA can be damaged. If the ISS Bottom PCA has been damaged by ink, and cannot be repaired; it must be replaced. A Service Engineer needs to assess this and replace any parts.

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#4 NorthwestProWraps 5 years ago

#2 how did you fix that? im having the same issue with magenta and its brand new i tried the old one and it says the same thing nwprowraps@gmail , sean

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#5 ye.mdy926604 5 years ago

#6 i have error that broken bag light magenta. How can i fix this problem

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#6 chernio 4 years ago

I have the same problem after change magenta

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