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Jumping Screen

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 pkeshtgani 6 years ago

Hi There, Anyone has an issue with their screen jumping from any screen to the home page on the LX365? This is an ongoing issue for us and none can seem to figure out. They have changed screens, boards, sensors and still happening. Thank you in advance

#2 pkeshtgani 6 years ago

#2 Hi Sonia, This started happening after we replace the screen since the screen was freezing. We had a technician here multi times, they replaced SSD hard drive, Screen X 3, Connection cables X 2, Restore hard drive to original, Repair Harddrive. Both HP support centers (USA and Spain) haven't got solutions so I wanted to ask if anyone else had the same issue and were able to come up with a solution for it. Cheers

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#3 bex 6 years ago

I assume the formatter pca, had the same issue at a customer and replaced the screen, cable and the formatter. Screen jumping didn‘t occur any more.

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#4 pkeshtgani 6 years ago

I spoke with my tech and he said all 3 were replaced. This is getting so annoying. It literally takes 5min to load on media.

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