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L26500 felt pad installation - (Q6651-60081 Lubrication Felts Kit)

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 soyeb 6 years ago

Good morning all, I am hoping to install the above in my l26500 but the issue is, there is no install instructions in the service manual for this part. Had a quick look on YouTube but couldn't find any info there either. Has anyone done this before and could you tell me the steps. I've read somewhere that the parts have to be cut if i'm not mistaken but how would you install? Please advise. Thank you

#2 HP-ayelenfernandez 6 years ago

Hi @Soyeb, This information is not public. You should contact with your support provider for a personal assistance. I hope this answer helps! Have a nice day ahead

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#3 paulelw 6 years ago

No parts need to be cut. They are held in with screws. Sometimes the felt/s can be cut smaller to fit but you can see that if you look at the Carriage. The felts are a part of the carriage assembly which you would need a service technician to remove for you and reinstall the felts(and lubricate them).

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