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Latex 115 ink

#1 MapleStreetSignShop 4 years ago

The ink carriages on my 115 seem to be able to hold the native 400ml 821 cartridges, and also the larger 775ml 831A cartridges. Would my printer recognize those larger cartridges? The cost per is a lot better on the bigger cartridges.

#2 HP-ColorGuy 4 years ago

HP Latex 100 Series printers support the 821 Series ink cartridges exclusively, and do not support the use of 831 Series ink carts. Latex 831 Series inks are used in the Latex 300 and 500 Series printers.

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#3 Avajohn6918197 4 years ago

I got ink cartridge issue in my hp 821 latex printer, i bought that printer on Cyber Monday coupons for home, When i attached old printer ink cartridge, printer give some error on it, their was also new cartridges but I bought it a far ago, then i contact to hp support, they had sorts out that problem.

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