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Latex 260/280: Bad black on 3M Envision 480 Media

HP Latex 260 Printer

#1 TG-FrankW 10 years ago

A customer have reported that when trying to print deep black areas on 3M Envision 480 or Scotchcal 180, the black gets brownish or pale. Even creating a new profile or map the black print color to 100/100/100/100 will not have better results. On some different media like some of Hexis, the black is better. Is that a known issue?

#2 dypinc 9 years ago

You need to map the Black to 100% K only and no CM applied. Your RIP should have setting for pure black or equivelent. Ever notice how nice and rich your black is on your ink limiting target. Just make sure job is set up for 100 K only and knock out.

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#3 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

It's quite difficult to get a pure black with the 3M Envision 480 or Scotchcal 180, this material requires to cure at a low temperature and using as less ink as possible. If you really want to print a pure blacks on this media, I will recommend you to use a profiler such as the Printprofiler, since you are not going to be able to do it from Onyx nor Caldera.

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#4 TG-FrankW 9 years ago

I have created a Profile with onyx, without better results.

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#5 dypinc 9 years ago

A profile will do you no good if you don't setup your black correctly. See my previous post.

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